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Hi bloggers!  Today I will talk about of my experience in my English class. Well, honestly, I don´t like English, I didn´t like in school, and en the university happened the same :( I believe that is because for my is very difficult learn English.  However, my experience in this class were very nice, whit my classmates I could joking sometimes, and this made the class more enjoyable. The blogs are a good methodology to learn vocabulary, grammar, and lets you think in English, and this is the most difficult of the English classes that i had in my life jajajaj Also, the moment of blogs is more relaxed than traditional classes, you can listen music while you write. In fact, I do that in this moment jajaja Finally, I was learn a lot of my classmates when I read their blogs of animals, summer, whatever. Always, I learned something about their lives.  The most important aspect need to be improved is the class schedule jajajaj honestly, is very difficult can keep the concentration at f
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Hello bloggers! Today I will talk about the changes I would make to my career, how will you know I study psychology. I entered the career in 2015, after having passed through Baccalaureate, so when I entered psychology I found that it was much easier than Baccalaureate, so for some time I thought I was in paradise. When the years passed, and the career began to interest me more and more, I began to observe some problems that had occurred in the career. First, there are subjects that are very poorly done, with evaluations that measure your learning very little and teachers who don`t teach very well. In the second year, we had a really bad subject, IALEP. This subject was about psychological tests, and although few people in the university are interested in this area, in the subject they didn't do anything to motivate you and the examns were of only memory and very little practical application.  Anyway, we must clarify something, I would say that all teachers are very exp


¡Hi bloggers! This summer I'm going to Peru with my girlfriend, Isa. That is my priority. But before that, I'm going to La Ballena with my family, and perhaps I'll go to Puerto Tranquilo, that's on the southern part of our country, because a friend's parents bought a land plot and they are going to build some cabains, they really need help so I'm keen to do it.  My favourite part of summer is wearing trousers and take long sea dives. I think I like it that much because as long as I can remember I've gone to the beach house of my grandfathers. I always go swimming with my cousins, aunts and uncles. Funny as it sounds, both my grandma and grandpa, neither likes to come with us to the salty water. My grandpa believes that the water is very nusty because all of the children pee in it. Also, that every house waste ends up there.  As much reasonable as that sounds, I prefer swimming in pee than not to swim at all. Actually, I like beaches so much tha


Hi bloggers! Today I will talk about Animals. I will reveal a secret... I have never had a pet!! This history began with that my mom feels afraid of dogs, the most common pet in the world. This situation caused me an affair of dogs when I was a child. Then, over time this happened to me, and now I love many dogs from my friends, and I have been sad when them dogs were dead :(. You will ask yourselves... ¿Why I hadn’t another pet? Well, I don´t sure but I think because my close relative doesn’t have a pet either. If you ask me now: Hey ¿Are you want a dog? I'll accept immediately! I don't know what to exotic animals, because I wouldn't imagine with an iguana or tarantula. It's a very weird situation. I think those animals, and all animals, should be free. Dogs, cats, mousses, birds, etc... and for this same reason I hate rodeo! However, I´ll accepted have a dog like a pet, only if the dog are from street, because in Santiago the street dogs are a problem, many do


Hello bloggers! Today I have to talk about postgraduate study. Personally, I feel that in Chile, and the world, we are getting used to the fact that people should study more and more. Study endlessly. People believe that this is what everyone should do, because the more you study, the better you can do in life. The truth, I'm tired of thinking about whether I'll do a postgraduate study. First of all I want to finish my career, in which I have already spent a lot of time, 5 years ago in college. Then, I would like to work on what I study because I really like it. At that time I can see if I want to continue studying or not, for as long as I just want to finish the university in the best way.   Anyway, if I did a postgraduate study, I would do it outside of Chile, because I think it would be a nice opportunity to get to know another culture. There is no prettier way to learn than traveling! and living in another place one can learn in a better way another culture, learning

My Future Job

Hi guys!  As many will know, I study psychology, and I would like to work on that. Specifically in the educational area of psychology. I imagine me working in schools, but not in an office receiving children, i want moving around the school a lot. While I would love to travel and know the world, my love for education is bigger jajaja! I would love to work in some program that works in several schools, instead of being alone in a school, because I don't like just being in a space, the space, I like to move and always be knowing new things. I hope that my salary will enough to live good and comfortable, and I hope to travel in my holidays, but for that, I need a job whit a lot vacations in the summer jajajaja that is an advantage of working with schools! I would like to study abroad, but not so much to know more, but because I think it is a good way to know another country or place, because isn't better way to know a place than living in it. Thinking about working gives m


Dear all, today I'll talk to my favorite music, and the music that I've heard during my life. Well, my father never listen music, in the car he heard a radio programs or don’t' heard anything! He is very weird jajajaj In contrast, my mother is very fan of music, when she wake up the first thing she does is put the radios whit her CDs, and she has a lot of discs in our home! However, she likes old music, old music for her time, that is to say very very old jajajaja She likes the same music that my grandfather. They like "vals peruanos", The Platters, and boring music jajajaj just joke! The only artist that we like both, my mom and me, is Miguel Bose! Thanks to her I like it!   Well, I don't only heard Miguel Bose, although I like it a lot, other artist and genres. When I were in the school, when I was 13 years old, I liked metal, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Pantera, Dio, etc.. And I liked classic rock: Queen, The Police, Eric Clapton, AC/DC, etc... Actuall