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Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2018

Lucas and food

Hi guys!  Today I'll speak about food, my favorite topic! Well, for me is very difficult decide which one is my favorite type of food, because I always have thought that be a food for a particular situations, for example when Colo Colo plays an important match you must or can eat a barbecue. Sometimes, if you have a date, the Italian food is a good option jajaja However, if I were to decide my favorite food, I chose the burgers!  Actually, in Santiago you can find a many good restaurants for eat a good burger, or an atypical burger with blue pear or shrimps, you can find many places, but the best restaurant of burgers is "La Burgusía". This restaurant is located in Providencia, near of Los Leones metro station.  In university, generally I eat in casino of ICEI, in this place have good food all days, my favorite food of ICEI is the noodles with pesto mmm ñami! To sum up, I want to tell you bloggers that I’m don´t a good cooker, but usually I cook noodles

The best concert ever

Hi Guys! Well, to choose my best concert is very difficult, because it´s very hard to choose only one. But thinking... I chose the "eigtheen years of Chanchos en Piedra". This concert was 2012 in Caupolican theater, this chilean rock band was celebrate eigtheen years of trajectory, then they threw 9 Discs being the first  "Peor es mascar laucha"  in 1995. In the concert, how they have too much song, they decide made a concert in three  stages, recollected all their famous hits, this stages were  "El Infierno", "El Purgatorio" y "El Cielo" , the name of stages must to a  Divine Comedy,  and the Chanchos en Piedra renamed how " Porcina Comedia"  when they published the album of the concert in 2013.  This concert was amazing, the band played music during four hour and half!!! With a few pauses between stages, but four hours was insane! I remember everyone singing the songs and jumping during the entire concert,

Countries I'd like to visit

Hi Guys!  Today I'll write about three countrys I'd like visit. When I were a child, in the school, my history teacher told us about countrys in South America, Brasil. Argentina, etc.. but he only mentioned Guyana, Surinam and Guyana Francesa. Never told us about their culture or history, and this always call my atention.   Technically, French Guyana aren't a country,  is a region of France, however I include, because these are trhee places I want to visit. Why? Because I don´t know nothing about there places.  It is so much what i don´t know that I neighter know who you can arrive in there places. I don't know if in Chile exist flys to Surinam or Guyana. All these questions are my reason for visit Surinam, Guyana and French Guyana, because I want know there mistery places of South America. And when I'll visit these countries, I promise my followers, I upload photos of these places.  I think, the best way for know any place is travel to there is place. Bye

My social networks

Hi guys! Today I'll talk about my social networks and how i use that. Actually, almost all we have any social network, can be Facebook, My Space, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter,  etc. In my case, I have account in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but lately I use only Instagram and occasionally Facebook, usually for friend's groups or events, birthdays party or seminars on topic  that i like. Instagram is my favourite social network, because you can share photos immediately after taking them out, and yo can see the photos of yours friends. Also, I follow football players and with this I can see the teams I like. It's good that you know that my favourite team is Colo-Colo. Although everything sounds fine, you must be care of what you post, because many times persons use your information (photo, name, even RUN) for scams or create a profile with your information impersonating you. I try don't post my adress and my number to avoid bad times. Bye followers!